Combi lavabottiglie Akomag

Combi, manual bottle washer

The COMBI manual bottle washer has been designed following the indications of various small users with very low production capacities (agritourisms, family cellars, micro-breweries, etc.) for washing wine and beer bottles.

It offers great versatility to suit the most varied needs.

With an extremely compact design, with various stainless steel components, very low consumption and actual “maintenance-free” as it has got no mechanical parts, the COMBI professional bottle washer combines all the functions of a traditional hydraulic bottle washer in a single machine: excellent cleaning, removal of labels and rinsing of bottles.

All while safeguarding the environment and reducing production costs, allowing the previously “disposable” bottles to be easily recycled.

The modular structure of the COMBI electric bottle washer makes it possible to progressively increase its functions and automatisms, as well as the level of sophistication, by inserting special cleaning and/or sanitizing sections.

Production range: 0 -400 bottles/hour.

COMBI, designed following different small users indications with low production (family winery, micro beer, etc.) it offers a great versatility and can adapt to the most varied range of requirements.

It has an extremely compact design, lowest consumes and practically “without maintenance” because without mechanical organs, COMBI contains in a single machine all the functionalities of a traditional bottle washer: good washing, removal of the labels and good bottles rinsing. The all safeguarding the environment and reducing the production costs, allowing to recycle easily the bottles previously “to lose”.

The machine’s modular construction, allows to progressively increase its functions, the automatisms, besides the level of sophistication, inserting special sections of washing and/or of sanification.

Photos and videos


technical data

Dimensions and technical data

Produzione: max 300 bph
Potenza installata: 2 Kw
Alimentazione: 220 V – 50 Hz
Consumo acqua: ~ 75 lt/h
Consumo gasolio allo start up: ~ 1,75 lt
Consumo gasolio a regime: ~ 1,25 lt/h

(a richiesta anche con
riscaldamento elettrico o a vapore)

Macchina con sistema di asciugatura bottiglie.

Akomag logo bianco

Frazione Diolo, 15/D
43019 Soragna (PR), Italy

Phone: (+39) 0524.599097


With this project financed by the Region, the company participated in the international fairs Propak Asia 2023 (THAILAND) and Brau Beviale 2023 (GERMANY). Important events in the beverage sector which have contributed to increasing our presence in Northern Europe and South East Asia.

Copyright © 2019 Akomag S.r.l. - VAT number: 02161090341